One in three IT projects will fail, according to some studies, while a greater number will succeed—but only after project delays and budget increases.
The main culprits for cost and time overruns are inexperienced planning and the absence of best practices to facilitate a fast deployment.
Dawgen Technology can remove the risks associated with IT projects with our planning, installation and deployment services. We bring a wealth of IT experience to every project, plus best practices honed over many engagements and many years, to ensure your project reaches its goals on time and on budget.
We help you plan the project by aligning business and IT goals, identifying potential risks and setting achievable milestones. We help you install the solution, including pre-integration in a hosted or premise-based proof of concept to iron out any potential issues before your solution goes into production state. And we help you deploy your solution to meet high levels of availability and reliability, with over-the-shoulder training along the way and complete documentation at the end of the engagement to help you run the solution effectively on your own.
At Dawgen, we believe in transferring knowledge to our customers so that you get the maximum benefit of our experience. That experience includes: